This 21st century is driving me nuts! Always rush! Rush to work , rush with kids to school, rush for kids activities, rush for the bus, get STUCK on HWY and THEN rush to work again….
Don’t you just want to stop?!
GTA is becoming a one large compound place of squeezed houses, townhouses, condominiums (size of a smaller garage), and we seem to be ok with that?!
Well, there are still some good pockets with larger lots in different neighbourhoods of GTA. One of it is in Oakville, just south of QEW, between Dorval and Bronte. Lot of great size lots, streets are jeweled with mature trees and as for the size of houses, there is something for everyone. If you are younger couple that don’t need a humongous house (that will take most of your weekend to clean), than check this one out.
Good size 3+1 bedroom bungalow with ultra modern kitchen, hardwood floors, water purifier, good size bedrooms and very nice renovated bathroom with rain showerhead. In case you have in-laws visiting, no problem! There is a fully finished basement with separate entrance, kitchen larger than most of condominiums in Toronto, extra large windows that will erase that feeling of being in the basement, great size living/dining combo and good size bedroom with mirrored double size closet.
The best of all is the size of the backyard in this house. You can relax, build a pool in it and STILL have a great size backyard. Even though we want to live in Mega-City, that doesn’t mean that we need to live in a shoebox. If you are like, claustrophobic, than house with land like this will be perfect for you.
Let me know if you would like more information in regards to this property or if I can bring you closer to some other neighoburhoods too.

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