Should you buy a house that is backing onto school backyard. That is always a dillema, so here are my thoughts;
If you are first time buyer , and you have young children, I know that you need to prepare the clothes, lunches, backpacks, so, you might actually LOVE to open the back gate and let children go to school backyard, or walk them around the corner to school:)
BUT, here's the hickup, it will probably take you longer to sell it, once you decide to move, unless you are lucky one and have the buyers we are looking for the first day on the open house!
Being close to shcool is good, but backing onto it... let's look at that from professional side.
I've shown properties that were gorgeous from outside, inside and even had a decent backyard was backing onto a school's backyard!
My clients ran out of the house and I felt bad for the sellers knowing that they've spent so much money into the upgrades (granite, new kitchen, floors, bathrooms etc). The size and the price of the house was in the higher range and not much for the clientele we would like to see in the eminent school neighbourhood (mostly families with your children)!
This kind of situation will repeat no matter if the house is in Mississauga, Oakville, Brampton, Burlington, Toronto or anywhere else. The house, the price and the type of the buyer have to match!!!
If you are a FLIP INVESTOR , please think twice before you invest lots of money to make the house look like a the wrong spot. Do a thorough research first, to see WHO will most likely be your Buyer. The end result could be not so nice for you. Your house might be on the market for a REALY long time or, you will have to sell it for less and, maybe not even get a return for the money you've put in the house. But, if you are buying an investment property to have it long term and rent it out, that you should be fine, as long as the expenses numbers match.
My favorite motto is RESEARCH FIRST - BUY LATER!
I know that the buyers think mostly about today, but MY JOB is to think about your houses' tomorrow. I should be able to figure out if the house you would like to purchase will appreciate in time and that your new home is your GOOD INVESTMENT TOO!
THAT is one of the main reasons why you need Real Estate Professionals and we are NOT here just to unlock the door for you.
If you would like to get more information, feel free to contact me anytime.

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