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Should you postpone a home purchase or sale until the mortgage rates go down?

Wednesday May 29th, 2024


I am sure everyone has their own theory on this topic, but i like to stick to the numbers and historical data. We have many buyers and sellers waiting on a sideline for mortgage rates to go down, hoping that their mortgage payments will go down a bit. However, you should do a proper calculation before you park the buying/selling thought on a bench. Here is your "math homework":) Step 1. How much realistically do you think rates will go down? 0.25%, 0.5%, 1%? My advice is to... [read more]

Home Inspection, Why and When?

Friday Oct 12th, 2018


Home Inspection, What, Why and When? Home inspection is a process of inspecting a home, by a qualified home inspector, prior to the purchasing a property.  Once Buyer and Seller come to an agreement, in most cases, there will be a conditional clause, that will allow Buyers to obtain a home inspection and to satisfy that condition. The Home inspector will check all major points including, but not limited to, furnace, air condition, roof, attic, foundation, all... [read more]

How can First Time Home buyer own a property in this market?

Tuesday Mar 12th, 2019

225 Webb Dr, Unit 2011, Mississauga, On

Even though we are seeing some leveling in prices, real estate market affordability in GTA is drastically down. Therefore, First time home Buyers, including young people that just are trying to leave their parents nest and newcomers, are being offered little-to-none, if they would like to buy a house, or any freehold property. To afford even a freehold townhouse, in most of the GTA, will be in 700’s and how many single people, or families that rely on one income can really qualify for... [read more]

Renovations that will hurt your house price tag!

Thursday Dec 1st, 2022


How many of you have decided of redesigning our own kitchen, bathrooms, floors, wall paints, etc, and how many of you got burned, when you were trying to sell your home, and the feedback in regards to those renovations was upsetting? My goal is to share some practical tips, so you don't make the same, costly mistakes, as many people did. The Most Important thing you need to make clear is, how long do you plan on living in this home? Clear answer to that question will be a crucial... [read more]

Advantages of purchasing a home in the summer

Sunday Jun 18th, 2023


Purchasing a home is a significant decision, and timing can play a crucial role in the real estate market. While the spring and fall seasons are traditionally busy, the summer offers unique advantages for both first-time home buyers and investors.  I think it’s important to keep an open mind and explore the benefits of buying a home during the summer, as it may very well be the most opportune time to make your move. As I like to say, “where there is a will, there is a... [read more]

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