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Should you postpone a home purchase or sale until the mortgage rates go down?

Wednesday May 29th, 2024


I am sure everyone has their own theory on this topic, but i like to stick to the numbers and historical data. We have many buyers and sellers waiting on a sideline for mortgage rates to go down, hoping that their mortgage payments will go down a bit. However, you should do a proper calculation before you park the buying/selling thought on a bench. Here is your "math homework":) Step 1. How much realistically do you think rates will go down? 0.25%, 0.5%, 1%? My advice is to... [read more]


Sunday Apr 30th, 2017


This 21st century is driving me nuts! Always rush! Rush to work , rush with kids to school, rush for kids activities, rush for the bus, get STUCK on HWY and THEN rush to work again…. Don’t you just want to stop?! GTA is becoming a one large compound place of squeezed houses, townhouses, condominiums (size of a smaller garage),  and we seem to be ok with that?! Well, there are still some good pockets with larger lots in different neighbourhoods of GTA. One of it is in... [read more]

TRUE FACTS ABOUT The 16 measures in Ontario’s new housing plan!!!

Tuesday May 23rd, 2017


We've all heard about "16 measures in Ontario's new housing plan" that "WILL" calm down fast pacing real estate market in GTA. (according to you-know-who) .... Really?... How many of you had thoroughly read through them and found yourself truly affected as a buyer, seller or an investor???  Well, I've decided to explain those rules in 'plain English' form, in similar way as we realtors explain real estate forms to our clients.... [read more]

Selling your house in winter time

Saturday Feb 3rd, 2018


Living in GTA thought me not to play or count on the Mother Nature! If you count on help from Mother Nature, for selling your house, either in Mississauga, Oakville, Milton, Burlington or Toronto, think again! I've seen snow in May in Mississauga, short sleeve t-shirt day in January in Oakville and the list goes on. Brace yourself and expect the unexpected. So, let's get your house ready for sale the way we can bypass those "little" hiccups. We all know that... [read more]

You can afford that house, but you don't want to pay for it?

Tuesday Sep 18th, 2018


You've been to the bank, or talked to a mortgage broker and they said that you could afford to buy an expensive house. However, you are NOT comfortable paying that much for a mortgage. We've all heard that expression..." I don't want to be a house poor".... I completely understand and AGREE with this expression. We have only one life to live and no one knows how long this journey will be for us. Therefore, live smart and enjoy the life to the fullest. Having said... [read more]

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